
This video displays the content and features inside the short horror experience prototype.

Project Description: You are a reporter searching for your next big story when you discover that a pharmaceutical company recently shut down a facility for an unknown reason, with this information you decide to enter the facility to hunt down the truth, but you soon discover that you’re not alone....

Game objective:The main game objective will be for the player to traverse their way through the facility to find the main office and collect any data to be used as evidence in their report. Before the player has a chance to get close to the office a door closes on them, meaning the player will have to explore the facility to find a way to open the door.

Gameplay Elements: This project is more of a horror experience meaning that the player has a simple action such as basic interaction with doors and panels whilst also having a flashlight that can be turned on and off. The player’s flashlight has a unique light profile which helps create a realistic flashlight effect that is persistent throughout the game which adds more to the players immersion.

The lore notes around the level are used to help give more story to the level but are also paired with objective notifications that appear to help assist the player with where they must go next.The addition of ambient noises and eerie sound effects create this sense of a creature being close to the player.