Pizza Time

This video displays gameplay of the arcade-style game.

Project Description: You are an intergalactic pizza delivery man, and you must complete your round of deliveries for the night before time runs out. Grapple and swing your way around the city, Find the window and throw the pizza to complete deliveries.

Game objective: The main game objective will be for the player to earn as much money as possible by completing deliveries quickly before time runs out. Player’s high scores will be displayed throughout gameplay and updated if players manage to beat it.

Grapple Mechanic: The player will be able to cast their grapple by using the left mouse button and aiming it onto any surface that allows them to. The player can release their grapple at any time by using the left mouse button again. The grapple crosshair will be green if the player can grapple to a surface and red if they cannot.

Pizza Throwing Mechanic: The player will be able to throw pizzas by using the right mouse button. There will always only be one delivery point active at one time. The player will need to throw the pizzas at the glowing window to complete that current delivery. Once the delivery has been made the next delivery point will show and the player will be rewarded with a set amount of cash in addition to a tip that is based on how quick they complete the delivery.

The current delivery point will be indicated to the player through both a glowing yellow window on one of the buildings and a neon green beacon pinpointing to the exact building. The delivery point indications should help will assisting the player to find the delivery point quickly.